Friday, May 24, 2013

Quick and Dirty ClickOnce Server

Disclaimer: This isn't necessarily the way a ClickOnce server should be set up. This is me doing the bare minimum, hacking around, just to get it up and running for someone to use quickly. If you're looking for best practice, go somewhere else.

On a server that was picked to be used as the ClickOnce server, create a folder to store the ClickOnce deployed application:


Since I'm using AD authentication, I also set the security on the above folder to contain only those people that I wanted to access the app.

In the properties of the WPF app, set the location and then click Publish Now:

At this point I thought it would work, but I was getting errors when trying to access the location within my browser. So I set up a virtual directory in IIS:

I was getting an authorization error at this point, so I went into the Authentication properties of the virtual directory (screenshot above, right side) and enabled Windows Authentication.


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